The Blonde Gem

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We’re Pregnant!!!

I’m several months behind…let’s blame first trimester exhaustion and pregnancy brain for that. However, I’m now 19 weeks and 3 days, and feeling much more energetic though still in a bit of a brain fog. Example: I couldn’t think of the name for laundry detergent the other day. So, I apologize in advance for any typos.

Let’s back up to Christmas Day 2023 - the day we found out we were expecting! With the distraction of Christmas, I almost didn’t realize I was late - two days late to be exact. This would not have been the first time I hoped and prayed my slightly irregular cycle meant there was a baby on board. It also would not have been the first time I was devastated to find out another month had passed and I still wasn’t pregnant. So, I made a mimosa and carried on with Christmas Day, as usual. Several hours later we were opening presents at my parents’ house, when I started to feel a little suspicious. Slightly nauseous and a little light-headed, I began debating whether or not I should say anything to Vinnie. I desperately did not want to get his hopes up, just to be let down…again. For the first time in months, I didn’t have any pregnancy tests under my bathroom sink. So, thankfully, we’d run out of trash bags that morning - not something I’m usually grateful for. On the way home from my parents’, I suggested we stop at CVS (literally the only pace open on Christmas Day) to pick up some trash bags. I knew I had to act fast when we pulled into the parking lot. I needed to go into the store by myself in order to buy the pregnancy test without Vinnie knowing. As soon as the car was in park, I opened my door and said, “I’ll run in!” Anticipating another letdown, I grabbed the cheapest pregnancy test on the shelf. It was going to be negative, just like all the others. I was sure of it. After paying, I shoved the pregnancy test into my purse and walked out with our trash bags.

The moment we got home I rushed to the bathroom. One line…two lines…wait! TWO lines?!?! Surely I was seeing things, but no. There was the faintest pink line you ever did see, right next to a darker pink line. I had heard that no matter how light the second line was, if there was a second line…you’re pregnant, but I wasn’t totally convinced yet. I walked into the kitchen just in time to see Vinnie putting our new air fryer on the counter. He wanted to get my opinion on the placement of our new appliance. “I’m sorry. I’m not listening to you,” I said, as I held up the test. The look on his face told me he was just as shocked as I was. After months and months of trying, we had decided to take a break, remove the pressure, and circle back in the new year. Neither of us had even the slightest inclination we might be pregnant. “Okay, look at this line. Do you see that? It’s super light, but I think that is a second line!” Vinnie agreed it looked like a second line, but suggested we take a digital pregnancy test to eliminate any doubt. I agreed, and he jumped in the car, went back to CVS, and picked up another test. Fifteen minutes later, we sat on the couch, anxiously waiting to see “Pregnant” or “Not Pregnant”. Sure enough, the result was “Pregnant”. Talk about the best Christmas gift EVER!!

We are so excited to welcome our son, Wyndsor Rhys, this summer!